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Settings / CSS for Renji's texthooker

I use the following stylizations to remove unnecessary padding within the document, and to behave more similarly to Anacreon's texthooker.


Setting Value
Preserve Whitespace
Remove Whitespace

Custom CSS:

main > p {
  padding: 0rem !important;

main {
  padding-left: min(5%, 5rem) !important;
  padding-right: min(5%, 5rem) !important;

body > div > textarea {
  font-size: 24px !important;
Using a custom font (click here)

I set the font to be Noto Sans, but this will likely not work without downloading and installing the font first (e.g. from here). Below is the actual full CSS that I use in conjuction with the installed font:

main > p {
  padding: 0rem !important;

main {
  padding-left: min(5%, 5rem) !important;
  padding-right: min(5%, 5rem) !important;
  font-family: "Noto Sans CJK JP" !important; /* <-- new! */

body > div > textarea {
  font-size: 24px !important;

Send text from Anki to your texthooker


THIS CODE IS DEPRECATED in favor of AJT Autocopy. If you still wish to use a websocket setup to prevent clipboard flooding, I recommend writing an Anki Add-on instead of the code below.

This is a very quick hack to have text from Anki to appear on a websocket based texthooker.

Requires Python, written for Renji's texthooker.

Instructions (click here)
  1. Save as

    import asyncio
    import websockets
    CONNECTIONS = set()
    async def register(websocket):
            async for message in websocket:
                print(f"server will now echo '{message}' to all other connections")
                connections = [c for c in CONNECTIONS if c != websocket]
                websockets.broadcast(connections, message)
            await websocket.wait_closed()
    async def main():
        async with websockets.serve(register, "localhost", 6678):
            await asyncio.Future()  # run forever
    if __name__ == "__main__":
  2. Paste this on the back side of your Anki template:

    (() => {
      function sendText(id) {
        const sentEle = document.getElementById(id);
        if (sentEle !== null) {
          const sentence = sentEle.innerText.trim();
          if (sentence.length > 0) {
      const url = "ws://localhost:6678";
      const socket = new WebSocket(url);
      socket.onopen = (_e) => {
  3. Replace full_sentence and primary_definition_raw_text with whatever id.

  4. Install websockets with pip, i.e. pip3 install websockets
  5. Change the web port on the texthooker page to 6678.

Whenever you want to connect Anki to the texthooker page:

  1. Run, i.e. python3
  2. Ensure the web port is the same on the texthooker page, i.e. 6678
  3. Enable the websocket connection on the texthooker page.

Mikagu pitch accent alternatives

  • migaku updated
    • Fork of migaku to be updated for anki version 2.1.50+
  • anki-jrp
    • Completely stand-alone plugin from migaku with a completely different codebase
    • Only does one thing: adds pitch accent colors (along with furigana)

Last update: April 18, 2023