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Batch Commands (TODO)

Batch commands are actions that affect multiple notes all at once. Usually, these commands affect all JP Mining Note notes. Please use these commands with caution, and always backup your collection before doing large changes to your Anki collection!

Running batch commands

Before running any batch command, ensure Anki is open, and Anki-Connect is installed.

There are two ways of running batch commands.

  1. If you are using JPMN Manager, you can run it by navigating to the following:

    ToolsJPMN ManagerRun batch command

  2. Alternatively, you can run batch commands directly through command line:

    :: Ensure you have Anki open, and with Anki-Connect running
    :: Also ensure that you have python 3.9+ installed.
    python tools\ YOUR_BATCH_COMMAND
    # Ensure you have Anki open, and with Anki-Connect running
    # Also ensure that you have python 3.9+ installed.
    # You may have to use `python3` instead of `python`.
    python3 tools/ YOUR_BATCH_COMMAND

Available batch commands

Below contains an incomplete list of available batch commands.

Most batch commands are ad-hoc commands written for one-time usage, usually for importing notes or updating notes. If you want the full list, run the following command:

python3 tools/ --help


usage: fill_field [-h] [--value VALUE] [--query QUERY] field_name

Sets the given field to 1.

Some examples:

# set all cards to sentence cards
fill_field IsSentenceCard

# does the above, but fills the field with `x` instead of `1`:
fill_field IsSentenceCard --value "x"


usage: empty_field [-h] [--query QUERY] field_name

Empties the given field.


usage: copy_field [-h] [--query QUERY] src dest

Copies the contents of the source (src) field to the destination (dest) field.


usage: verify_fields [-h] [--version VERSION]

Checks that the fields and its order is correct with the current version.


usage: reposition_fields [-h] [--version VERSION]

Automatically reorders the field list to be the expected order

Last update: June 21, 2023