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Frequencies (TODO)

The frequencies of a card can be found on the back side of the card, at the top right corner.

By default, the shown frequency is the value in FrequencySort. All other frequencies can be viewed by hovering over the dropdown arrow.

(TODO gif)

Sorting by Frequency

This note type comes with a FrequencySort field, which is the equivalent of Marv's Frequency field in this guide.

To summarize how FrequencySort is generated: all frequencies (filtering out the useless ones) are averaged using a harmonic mean, which can be thought of as a mean that heavily leans towards the minimum.

However, some exceptions apply:

  • If the word exists in a downloaded grammar dictionary, then the frequency value is set to 0, because we make the assumption that grammar points should be studied as soon as possible.
  • If there are no frequencies, then it is set to 9999999.

By default, nothing is done to re-order your cards according to this value. You will need to manually re-order your cards, or use an add-on to automatically do so. Visit the aformentioned link (and scroll down to Usage) to see exactly that.

List Mode

Older versions of the note displayed the frequencies similarly to Yomichan: as a list of existing frequencies. If you wish to do this, set the following runtime option to list:

"freqUtils.displayMode": "list",

(TODO GIF with dropdown)

List Mode Maximum

The list mode defaults to showing a total of 4 frequencies by default, before overflowing into the dropdown. This limit can be changed with the following runtime option:

"freqUtils.list.max": 4,

(TODO IMAGE with dropdown and >= 5 frequencies)

If you never want to limit the number of frequencies shown, set this to -1.

(TODO IMAGE without dropdown and >= 5 frequencies)

Unknown Frequency

When no frequency can be found for a particular word, "unknown" is instead shown.

TODO image of unknown


If you see "unknown" for all your cards, you likely don't have any Yomichan frequency dictionaries installed.

If you have many cards like this, I recommend backfilling existing cards.

Hiding Unknown Frequency Marker

If you don't want to see this "unknown", you can remove it with the following CSS:

.frequencies [data-is-unknown] {
  display: none;

Last update: July 9, 2023